Want to see when the next Bridge Lift is?

All Lifts are listed below or use the search function to filter dates. 

Please note that scheduled Bridge Lifts can be cancelled at short notice and without prior notification to the public. This may be due to unforeseen circumstances or situations outside of our control.

Upcoming Lift Times
Day Date Time Vessel Direction
Sailing Barge Adieu Up river
Sailing Barge Adieu Down river
Sailing Barge Gladys Down river
Paddle Steamer Dixie Queen Up river
Paddle Steamer Dixie Queen Down river
Sailing Barge Gladys Up river
Sailing Barge Gladys Down river
Sailing Barge Will Up river
Sailing Barge Will Down river
Sailing Barge Gladys Down river
Sailing Barge Gladys Up river
Sailing Barge Will Up river
Sailing Barge Will Down river
Sailing Barge Will Up river
Sailing Barge Will Down river
Motor Vessel Dutch Master Up river
Maintenance Lift Up river
Maintenance Lift Up river
Sailing Vessel Blue Mermaid Up river
Sailing Barge Alice Up river
Sailing Barge Will Up river
Sailing Barge Will Down river
Sailing Barge Will Up river
Sailing Barge Will Down river
Sailing Vessel Blue Mermaid Down river
Sailing Barge Alice Down river
Paddle Steamer Dixie Queen Up river
Paddle Steamer Dixie Queen Down river
Paddle Steamer Dixie Queen Up river
Paddle Steamer Dixie Queen Down river
Tallship Galeon Andalucia Up river
Tallship Galeon Andalucia Down river
Sailing Barge Gladys Up river
Sailing Barge Gladys Down river
Motor Vessel Dutch Master Down river
Sailing Barge Gladys Up river
Sailing Barge Gladys Down river
Motor Vessel Dutch Master Down river
Sailing Barge Gladys Up river
Sailing Barge Gladys Down river
Motor Vessel Dutch Master Down river
Sailing Barge Gladys Up river
Sailing Barge Will Up river
Sailing Barge Will Down river
Paddle Steamer Waverley Up river
Paddle Steamer Waverley Down river
Sailing Barge Gladys Down river
Paddle Steamer Waverley Up river
Paddle Steamer Waverley Down river
Sailing Barge Will Up river

Information for ship's agents, owners or Masters

If your vessel has a mast or superstructure of 30ft (9m) or more and would like to enter or leave the Upper Pool of London, find out how to book a Bridge Lift for your vessel here.

See inside Tower Bridge

Find out what to expect from a visit inside Tower Bridge, including opening times, how to get here and ticket prices.

Plan your visit

Bill Skinner

What does it take to be a Bridge Driver?

Take a deep dive into the history of Bridge Drivers, discover how the role has changed in the past century and find out what it takes to train for such a truly unique job.

2012 Opening Ceremony. Copyright Clive Totman

Iconic Bridge Lifts

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